An aerial photo of the city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Our Goals
God has put several main goals on our hearts as we look to our future in Bolivia. Our first and foremost goal is to honor the Lord in our personal lives and show His love to the people of Bolivia. We believe God has led us to begin in the city of Santa Cruz as it is the fastest growing city in Bolivia and is home to around 1.4 million people. After prayerful consideration, we have decided that during our first term it would be best to work along side another missionary family while we learn the language and culture. During that time we hope to be a blessing in that ministry and also begin to form relationships with the people.
Our goals for future terms include: starting indigenous churches in areas of need throughout Bolivia, discipleship of new believers, and training national pastors. We are very excited to see what God will do in Bolivia and hope you will keep us in your prayers as we seek to do the Lord's will.